Jetted Check Valve
Jetted Check Valve (JCV) offers the latest evolution in solids avoidance tools for use with ESP Systems. The JCV is designed to prevent solids from falling into the pump during a shut down and jet washes those solids away during start up. Typically, after an ESP shut down in an unconventional wellbore, frac sand immediately packs the pump full of solids causing a stuck pump or broken shaft when it is attempted to be restarted. The JCV prevents this from occurring by capturing all fluid and solids above the ESP.
During start up there are two independent strokes that take place based on the condition of the fluid or solids above the valve. First, if there is a large amount of debris, the inner dart of the JCV will function as a jet nozzle to begin washing away solids on top of the valve. This is a high pressure, low volume nozzle that utilizes pressure from the ESP to blast its way through the initial layer of solids.
Once the jet nozzle begins to clear solids, the primary sleeve can then be opened for high flow and high pressure to finish clearing the solids and resume production as normal
Designed to prevent solids from falling into the pump during a shut down and jet washes those solids
away during start up.