VELOCITY ALS SAS, a company dedicated to the commercialization of support equipment for oil extraction, considers as one of its purposes the permanent development of activities that protect, maintain and improve the physical integrity and health of all its collaborators as well as all the people involved in the processes, protect the environment through the control of environmental impacts generated by daily activities and comply with applicable legal regulations, the requirements established by customers and those agreements signed by the organization.
For the development of this purpose VELOCITY ALS is responsible for business sustainability by maintaining the continuous improvement of the Integral Management System, thus preventing non-compliance with customer requirements, the occurrence of work accidents, property damage, occupational diseases and environmental impacts.
In order to comply with this policy VELOCITY ALS is committed to:
● Allocate the technical, human and financial resources required to guarantee the continuous improvement of the IMS.
● Implement health promotion and prevention activities aimed at our collaborators, which contribute to improving the quality of working life.
● Provide products and services that meet the needs and expectations of our customers and other interested parties in accordance with the agreed requirements.
● To facilitate mechanisms that promote the participation and consultation of workers and other stakeholders.
● Strengthen the labor competencies of personnel and inform them about the risks present in their work environment, as well as the necessary procedures to be carried out to prevent and/or mitigate work accidents, occupational diseases, environmental impacts, property damage or non-compliance with customer requirements.
● Identify hazards and environmental aspects that may generate some type of injury or potential loss in the processes, people, environment, infrastructure, materials or equipment.
Likewise, assess the environmental risks and impacts and implement the necessary actions to help eliminate and/or mitigate the identified conditions.
● To prevent environmental pollution through the reduction, classification, reuse and final disposal of waste, as well as the proper use of natural resources.
This Policy extends to all our employees, contractors, suppliers, visitors and other stakeholders.